Knee problems

I've lost 17 pounds so far, my starting weight being 320.
I know it's harder to do things being this big, but my left knee is giving me horrible issues. I already stopped trying to jog. I was doing squats wrong and I have corrected myself.

Is there a way to fix this problem or will it be this way until I'm lighter? It has been swollen, pops and grinds and has very limited range of motion. It does usually cause too much pain.


  • HutchA12
    HutchA12 Posts: 279 Member
    This is a doctor question.
  • vespiquenn
    vespiquenn Posts: 1,455 Member
    HutchA12 wrote: »
    This is a doctor question.

    This. We could speculate, but none of us will know for sure. Seeing a doctor would ensure that you are not causing more damage to it for taking too much on at once.
  • emilygraves1989
    emilygraves1989 Posts: 25 Member
    Ok, I will. I was just wondering if other people had experienced this.
  • sndrd49
    sndrd49 Posts: 234 Member
    They're right about the doctor, this isn't something you want to push. Why risk permanent damage. Lots of other ways to burn calories that are a lot easier on joints than running.
  • VintageFeline
    VintageFeline Posts: 6,771 Member
    Agree with seeing someone but also that you are probably just too heavy for running and squats. I had some knee issues starting at 220lbs with a fitness background and had to go low impact for a while and really pay attention to form. I have no problems now but if I wasn't as self aware body wise due to my past I could have set myself up for long term problems leaving it unaddressed.
  • emilygraves1989
    emilygraves1989 Posts: 25 Member
    Well yeah, I'm not really excited about running anyways lol I won't miss it.

    I will get into see someone soon I'm just hoping I don't stall my weight loss.
  • beccahummel423
    beccahummel423 Posts: 72 Member
    I had a lot of knee pain when I was around 300. When I got down to the low 200s, I was able to run a little, but it was still a lot of pressure on my joints. I wouldn't recommend running at 300 pounds, but that's just me. Walking is a great exercise!!
  • Hearts_2015
    Hearts_2015 Posts: 12,031 Member
    edited January 2016
    Well yeah, I'm not really excited about running anyways lol I won't miss it.

    I will get into see someone soon I'm just hoping I don't stall my weight loss.

    Find something you love and you won't even think of it as exercise. :) If you don't enjoy running, Girl, quit the running! :D I just had a knee replacement in Oct and the other knee to be replaced in Feb, the description you shared of the popping, grinding, pain etc. are what I was dealing with.

    DON'T risk your joints particularly on something you don't love and that isn't safe at your size (or any size frankly). I know some ppl on here share they run when they are 400 lbs but I've never seen a post back from them after that. ( there's numerous ppl that have began threads like that over time in excitement).

    So many other fun choices to do a pool available? I have a membership at the Y and love the pool workouts, running in the pool is awesome, nothing hurts, but it gives you a sense of freedom, walking in the pool, Pilates and yoga classes in the pool, so many other aqua classes, swimming if you enjoy that. That's where I started out 100 lbs ago and still LOVE the pool! I can't suggest the pool enough for ppl with joint issues or ppl that are heavier starting out, the last thing we want is injury when starting out. That's heart breaking and real set back on so many levels.

    I doubt it will stall your weight loss, just eat in a deficit and be sure to check in with the doc and see if they can do an xray or simply describe what you did to us. But a doctor can better diagnosis you better any of us on the Internet.

    Cheers & welcome to MFP and a new lifestyle! <3
  • Hearts_2015
    Hearts_2015 Posts: 12,031 Member
    edited January 2016
    Also check out all the awesome workouts on Youtube, you'll find something there that you'll enjoy, I'm sure. :)

    Edit to add: Congrats on the 17 lbs loss!!!! Ice that knee Girl, it helps!!!
  • rainbowbow
    rainbowbow Posts: 7,490 Member
    I could have sworn you were the OP of the other thread I commented on... Hm... Anyways, here's what i think.

    First of all, you need to see your doctor. Now. You need to make sure you haven't caused some serious damage to your knee and you need to ensure you're actually ready to start exercising. At your current size i most definitely would not recommend the type of exercises you seem to have been performing. Jogging? 30 Day Shred? Squatting?

    So often, especially on MFP I see people blankly recommend heavy lifting or serious exercise to people. Sometimes you aren't ready to begin heavy lifting or even strenuous exercise yet. And that's totally okay. It's much better to build up a base and move on progressively than to try and workout in a style that doesn't fit your current needs and make crappy progress over time (or hurt yourself).

    With your knee injury you are more at risk of re-injurying the knee, causing injury to the ankle, foot, and lower body. You also likely have postural problems as a result of this knee injury which cause cause it's own slew of injuries. These are really things you need to discuss with your doctor before just going in and winging it. You may only be able to perform very low impact exercise like walking, swimming, etc.

    See your doc, get their opinion on whether it's safe to start exercising, and if so what you can/cannot do. They may be able to provide a Physical therapist of personal trainer as well.

    p.s. you can still lose weight by simple controlling your calorie intake.
  • Hearts_2015
    Hearts_2015 Posts: 12,031 Member
    rainbowbow wrote: »
    I could have sworn you were the OP of the other thread I commented on... Hm... Anyways, here's what i think.

    p.s. you can still lose weight by simple controlling your calorie intake.

    @rainbowbow I too recall a thread from yesterday about someone doing or wanting to do the 30 day shred at a heavier weight.. but I believe it was another member. :)
  • shadowfax_c11
    shadowfax_c11 Posts: 1,942 Member
    I have a lot of knee trouble from old injuries. For me the biggest helps have been, regular visits to the chiropractor, a good joint supplement and losing weight. It also helps a great deal to make sure that your shoes are not overly worn. If you notice the soles wearing heavily on one side or one spot it is time to replace your shoes. Unbalanced feet put a lot of stress on the knees and other joints. Doing these things has significantly reduced my knee pain.

    All of that said, I don't do any running or jumping. I am very careful about shocks on the joints and will likely never be able to do those things.
  • redbod
    redbod Posts: 5 Member
    Go swimming!! Best way to burn calories and easier on the knees, i wasnt a keen swimmer but found some lessons and have been trying to do front crawl! I can cycle 30miles but loose more swimming for 30mins! X
  • kshama2001
    kshama2001 Posts: 28,053 Member
    Agree with seeing someone but also that you are probably just too heavy for running and squats. I had some knee issues starting at 220lbs with a fitness background and had to go low impact for a while and really pay attention to form. I have no problems now but if I wasn't as self aware body wise due to my past I could have set myself up for long term problems leaving it unaddressed.

    Ya, due to my knees, I had to build up to walking three miles at a stretch over about six months, and that was with good shoes (Asics Gel) and only walking in the woods (as opposed to harder surfaces.)

    I have to be extremely careful with squat-like movements in the gym. The leg sled is the only thing that works for me, and I cannot do it when I am also hiking and practicing yoga. My knee is ok with any two of the three, but not all three.
  • faurotann
    faurotann Posts: 424 Member
    I finally went to the doctor (orthopedic ) and he told me I need a knee replacement. No amount of physical therapy or weight loss will help it. It doesn't change my discomfort but it is definitely a comfort knowing what the problem is. Get an XRay
  • rosebarnalice
    rosebarnalice Posts: 3,488 Member
    Knees don't like to be overstressed. Yes see a doctor. There might be a brace or wrap that will give you some support. Maybe also look for low - impact exercises like swimming, a stationary bike, or elliptical until your knees get stronger and your weight drops somewhat.
  • kshama2001
    kshama2001 Posts: 28,053 Member
    Well yeah, I'm not really excited about running anyways lol I won't miss it.

    I will get into see someone soon I'm just hoping I don't stall my weight loss.

    While there are many reasons to exercise, it's not actually needed for weight loss. You can obtain your calorie deficit in the kitchen.

    I recommend not doing any squats, lunges, or medium-high impact activity until you are cleared by the doctor. Due to the way you described your knee issues in your OP, you may wish to avoid even low impact exercise like walking for a few weeks as well. Definitely never try to work through knee pain.

    Here are the exercises my doctor gave me to strengthen the muscles around my knee:

  • emilygraves1989
    emilygraves1989 Posts: 25 Member
    Thanks so much everyone! There's a good chance I may be off work tomorrow due to snow so I may try to get an appointment then. Trust me I am hearing you about getting seen!

    I have really been enjoying 30 day shred, however I definitely will not be switching out of level 1 for some time. I have modified all the moves I feel like put strain on my knees and don't even attempt lunges.

    I appreciate the show of support and concern.
  • kshama2001
    kshama2001 Posts: 28,053 Member
    Thanks so much everyone! There's a good chance I may be off work tomorrow due to snow so I may try to get an appointment then. Trust me I am hearing you about getting seen!

    I have really been enjoying 30 day shred, however I definitely will not be switching out of level 1 for some time. I have modified all the moves I feel like put strain on my knees and don't even attempt lunges.

    I appreciate the show of support and concern.

    Please let your doctor know you are doing 30DS (with modifications) to give him or her an opportunity to advise if you should take a break while your knee recovers.
  • Lizzypb88
    Lizzypb88 Posts: 367 Member
    Yes of course seeing a doctor if you're concerned, but as far as relating- yes I can.. I started at 270 and didn't exercise at first because at the high weight we are at, you can lose just by counting calories and drinking water- at first!- anyways I have tried exercising at 270 and my knees did bother me, my mom started at 300 and also had knee problems, it's a lot of weight on your knees, yet at the same time you need to get on your feet to lose the weight so it's a tough situation! If that's the case I suggest doing light exercise, something that isn't hard on your knees, even if it's a 10min walk every other day that's perfect!! It's hard when starting out, so I would say very slowly ease into exercise, in my opinion! Good luck!