Looking for BC friends on MFP?
If you're happy to be added by other BC leanies please post on here. My homepage is full of you lovely lot and I've been stalking your food diaries for meal ideas - very handy!!! I am happy to be added by anyone here. Maddie
I am hoping this group helps post-planners who feel scared going it alone - I know I do! Please invite others on MFP who are Body Coach students/graduates to this group. I am also looking for other admins - hands up!
Come and say hello - don't be shy!
So I am new to counting macros. I am week 2 of C3 and preparing for going it alone. I am hoping to track my macros after the plan so I am inputting my meals as I go from now on in MFP in preparation. If it doesn't work.... there is always the graduate plan :# Prior to BC I had an awful diet. I have learnt so much and…
Graduate Macros or Freestyle?
I've seen a few posts from people who haven't had the best experience with their BC macros. What is everyone doing on here? Have you followed them or gone it alone?
Inputting Body Coach Recipes into MFP
Has anyone found a quicker way to do this? I have done a handful of recipes and it has taken me ages!! :(
Lean in 15 Book Macros
I hope we are all excited to get our cook on! I cannot wait to make some new recipes from Joe's Book. I saw on the Facebook Group rosebudd15 (Kerri Rennison) added Joe's Chicken Pie to MFP Recipes. You should be able to find it in Food tab at the top of the page then My Recipes if using a desktop or if using the App then…
Counting Macros Post Plan - Getting Started
The BIG question we all need help with. Here is where I have got to so far... (Bear in mind I'm on C3 and tracking to get used to inputting. I haven't had my Grad report yet) 1. Joined this amazing group :) and added other members. I've then had a sneaky peek at your food diaries to give me inspiration as to what foods…
Syncing other Apps with MFP
I have seen others on the Facebook Group commenting about syncing either their ihealth (iPhone/iwatch) data to MFP and also running apps' data? I have some ihealth scales from Amazon and they sync and automatically update my weight and body fat on MFP when I step on them. Handy! I was wondering what other apps people have…