Workin’ selfie....
I hit the gym between 4-6 times a week. I have a fairly regular schedule that I stick to. This includes run/walk on treadmill for about 45 minutes amd then 30 minutes of weight training. I keep it close to a high intensity vs heavy lifting. Anyways, I’m stuck at around 200 lbs +-5. I stick very close to a 1900 a dy calorie…
Here's the setup I've had it just noticed it doesn't seem to be syncing correctly anymore. Apple Watch used for step count. UA Record used via Apple Watch to track all workouts both running and weights. Us MyFitnessPal to track all meals. Fitbit app used to sync Aria scale readings. I have them all synced with each other…
Lost my dad at 60 YOA 3 years ago. I've slowly tried to live a healthier life, was at 235 July of 2015. I'm rolling at 194 31% bfp and need that down to 20 at least. I'm still at it though...if nothing more than for my Pops watching over me!