Hi there! I'm a long time MFPer but haven't made a post in well... ever... anyway... I am hoping y'all would have some advice. A little back story of my situation... my SO is trying to lose weight and keep their A1C under control... They were diagnosed with T2 diabetes and had bariatric surgery to help manage the…
It's not like anyone was wanting them or rereading them anymore :/ ... just another thing that y'all take away! and without warning... many of us that have been around for years may have wanted to preserve some of those... and I may not have blogged all the time but I would reread my old ones to see how far I have come...…
Hi everyone! I am wanting to change our family diet to a more Mediterranean diet, because of family history of heart disease.... and like any diet change it can be intimidating. So I was wondering if anyone here has any recipes, blogs, or books that you refer to when feeding your family... particularly with little kids.…