Thanks... there is just so much other there... I did also find some entrees on my usual go to as well.. It's just so daunting...
you can't... it's another thing that the powers to be broke and not fixed while trying to charge for previously free features... it probably will never be fixed... even adding photos to your progress doesn't do it anymore. #MFPfail #likeusual
You take away previously free features... I delete the app and block ads elsewhere....
WW is even half that and they have a much better platform...
VC's are leaches on society in my opinion...
I have been on this site for over 10 years... and the audacity they have to add more premium features and take away previously free features while not maintaining basic site functions is laughable... I can't even add photos to my feed anymore... not even through adding it to my weight... and then they take away previously…
While I generally don't mind the new look.... it was a pain and the a word for butt to figure out how to post to our newsfeed not intuitive at all.... there isn't a spot to update our progress (or at least it's not intuitive to find)... and I am really disappointed that I can't share pictures... it was bad enough I…
I'm on Firefox... I don't even have to close the tab and I am getting logged out... it just has to sit there idle...
Whoa! This post took me back in the way way back machine... when MFP was still fun and we just had one general chat...
I lost 10 pounds last summer because of a stomach bug... gained it back by the end of the year... I hope to be 10 pounds lighter than my last dr appointment by the time I have my next... right now I have 15 pounds to go.
It’s been a long week. So I am considering putting my kids to bed, getting some snacks and binging watching whatever strikes my fancy.
I know. Recipes on Pinterest are hit or miss for me.
I remember that... while not for myself... but when my grandfather had a heart attack and he had a book the size of a dictionary with the basic nutrition info of common foods... but by no means as extensive as it is today... but aside from that, my thinking is it's just because we don't move as much as we did before.
No, we (those of us born in between 77-83) are cuspers... and the terms Xennial, Oregon Trail (my favorite), or "the Lucky ones" are what we are called... or calling ourselves... because we have experienced both generations.
As a former government employee, no thanked me for my services supporting crews to make sure people had their water and sewer services, but I'm not sitting here complaining that I'm under appreciated.
How do you feel about washing dishes... Because that's what I'm supposed to be doing right now... Oh and my butt hurts from my workout this morning.
I slow my *kitten* back down to 5 under... especially if there are other cars around that they can't get around... why? because I meet asshatery with asshatery.
Nope. Too many creepers out there that will steal the photo and use it for nefarious reasons.