Tore my meniscus. Heading into surgery soonish I hope. I'm really bummed out. I can't do anything exercise wise right now, unless you count flapping my arms around. looking at 6-8 weeks recovery time. I'm torn between wanting to eat my feelings and being hyper vigilant about my diet b/c it's all I can do. Womp. womp womp…
There's a blog feature on this site and it was requested I do pictures of paleo stuff I'm eating for the challenge. I didn't want to do it on here though so I thought I'd just do it on my blog. It's not terribly exciting what with the one post but I will try and keep it updated anyone…
So I have found that has some good articles. I think this would be a good read for anyone who doesn't know a lot about losing weight/diet/gym They also have good workout plans and videos explaining what exercises are…