dropdeadkate Member


  • oh i have all kinds of pinterest boards recipes: not the fatty remix paleo diet challenge south beach phase 1 south beach phase 2
  • whoa your progress pic is crazy for 2 months. gg!
  • I totally disappeared from this site. my bad. update since.... idk. before I broke my leg. Highest weight got was 206.2 (boooo) but I went on south beach 3 weeks ago and I weighed in at 189.8 on monday morning. So that's a loss of 16.4 lbs in 3 weeks. I'm happy it's working out, but I have a looooooooong way to go. but…
  • My trainer guy told me to weigh myself every day at the same time and take the average for the week. that way you take into account good and bad days. if the average is going down then you're losing weight
  • :) thanks I did well today.
  • I will second seeing a doctor. Also, if you're hurt, don't push it in the gym. Allow yourself time to heal so you can come back strong rather than come back too quickly and hurt yourself even more. I get it though. I think I have a stress fracture in my right hand from hitting the bag wrong last week. No more right punches…
  • 197.2. i gained... idk a few pounds. I fell off the paleo diet hard. and i've apparently bruise my hand from punch wrong in bootcamp this past week wasn't so good for me. I've decided to ditch paleo as it's entirely too restrictive and makes me crazy. I'm starting south beach again (i've had success with it before) and…
  • 194 down from 195.6 Probably would have been more but I partied all weekend. Oops
  • cutting sugar is hard and if you are addicted (i am, most people are) expect the first week to be pretty rough. Headaches, brain fog and being tired are common side effects of cutting sugar. are you cutting all sugar or just processed sugar? fruit contains natural sugars and is a good substitute if you are not trying to…
  • While it is a good goal to have theoretically, 7 days working out hard/lifting is actually not beneficial. Use one of the days to just take a long walk or yoga or something. Let your body have a recovery day. It will also help prevent injury in the long run.
  • macronutrients ie proten, fat, carbohydrates. main sources of nutrition
  • eating clean is still a diet, just not one that requires keeping track of anything. If you cut out sugar and processed foods you are doing it right
  • can you do any now? I've been trying to do A pullup for like 3 years now why are they so hard :(
  • Gotta start somewhere. Do you
  • Fat is very calorie dense so you may not have eaten a lot so much as everything else you ate was lower cal in comparison? Though you should probably up protein a bit. I try to do a 40/30/30 split (protein/carb/fat)
  • Sure. Today was bad as I was at an airport so don't judge today's food log too hard. I'll try and remember to do it tomorrow
  • Ok I'm a week late but I'm finally home and just hit the scale 195.6lbs Oops. Bootcamp and paleo start today!
  • I second meal planning Also when you eat is important too. Eating carbs in the morning is better for you than right before bed. Drink your protein powder shake within 30 mins of finishing your workout to get the max benefit from it.
  • If you're brand new aim for about 30g of protein a meal. I try for 1g of protein per lb of lean body weight (about 150 a day) The only supplements I have found useful are protein powder and fish oil. I don't do pre workouts or amino acids or whatever. If you want to a more personalized macro calculation just Google "macro…
  • Keeping a food journal really helps with binging and snacking. At least it did for me. Use the app it makes it easy. If you are a snacker (guilty) keep lots of precut veggies and fruits on hand so they're easy to grab and go. Get a food scale so you know exactly how much you're eating. I have a cheap one they don't need to…
  • nah i don't follow anyone specifically. I will go on youtube and google HIIT workout or HIIT TRX and there's loads of them. I usually watch them first to make sure it's my level of workout. Suspension training is a lot harder than it looks. I'll see if I can find the off brand bands for you. TRX brand ones are like 200…
  • If you have money for some off brand trx bands I highly suggest them. Nothing has ever kicked my *kitten* as hard as suspension training. If not, plyometrics are really good too. It's muscle and Cardio training all at once. Jump squats. Jump lunges. Burpees. All VERY good body weight exercises. There's also about a…
  • Hi! I'm Kate aka tittysprinklesundae. I'm 5'10" and 190 lbs. I've been focusing on lifting and ignoring Cardio and diet so I've got a nice layer of insulation over all my muscles haha. Looking to cut some body fat and up my endurance while still maintaining my strength level. Not super concerned about the actual number of…
  • I'm not home from vacation until Jan 4th :( but based on what the scale said before I left I'll go ahead and guess I'm at 190ish