High Protein, Low Fat
I’m currently on a high protein, low-fat eating plan. But I’m struggling to get my proteins while still keeping my fat intake low. Has anyone got any good snacks or meal ideas to help with this???
Loosing weight or fat?
Hi everyone! I've recently started to try and get my eating back on track because I've had lots of problems with binge eating and bulimia in the past. I'm almost fully over that now and I'm looking for health! But I still want to improve on my body. Currently I'm 4"11 and weigh about 50kg. I'm not too fussed about my…
Sticking to it?
Hey everyone, I'm having a hard time sticking to my calories and diet as a whole. I can eat really well one day but as soon as I have even the slightest unhealthy thing I'm off and go almost into a binge where I just eat whatever I want. Can anyone give me any tips on how to stop snacking and falling off the band wagon so…
Hi, I'm New on here
Hi. I'm New on here. I'm a elite gymnast and I'm really trying to take my diet more seriously as part of my training programme. Hopefully I'll be able to loose some weight and become more confident!