Pasta Alternative
I don’t know about everyone else but I sometimes just want spaghetti. It is so hard to stay off the carbs though with pasta. I found this alternative and it is so good! It has 17 carbs, 11 fiber, and 23 protein!! I got it at Hy-Vee in the organic section. I live in the Midwest. Anyways, just wanted to share!! Good luck to…
Water...how do you drink enough??
I find that at the beginning of my weight loss journey, I always did great with water. Then...as time passes, it becomes a struggle to drink enough daily. I tend to drink 8 - 10 glasses daily when I am getting enough in. Any tips on how to stay motivated with water intake?
Back at it...
Feeling better since I started this journey, I'm about 6 pounds down. It has been a super SLOW process of getting that off. I am re-committing myself to this process and I WILL be happy and losing in the next 2 months. I want to be ready for a fun filled and carefree summer. Anyone out there just getting re-committed to…
Teacher Troubles
So, for all my teacher friends out there, how the heck do you get the in a work out during the week? As a high school teacher with four preps and something always demanding going on at my job, I just can't get up to the gym. I get to work early, stay late, and I'm just exhausted by the time I finally get home!! I am…
Is there such a thing as an okay "cheat" day?!
I was talking with another community member and I remembered something that I think have accounted for some of my problem with yo-yo"ing". The Atkins diet that I was introduced to about 10 years ago said, all protein, no carbs for 6 days a week but 1 day a week, you could have that day to eat something decadent. To me, now…
One more question, how often do you weigh yourself?
Through doing a couple different diet plans, I have been instructed a little differently as to what the frequency should be for weighing myself. One plan said, do it weekly and the other one said do it daily. Thoughts?
Hello, just starting out...
I'm trying to lose about 20 pounds and have pretty much yo-yo'd my whole life. Weight is a struggle for me but I'm hoping that this app and community will encourage me to stay on track. I would love to lose the weight and MAINTAIN! I am tired of the up and down, not only does it not feel good, take a toll on my body, but…