Is exercise an appetite suppressant?
I really was't sure where to post this, But it is KIND OF about exercise..... As some of you know I HATE (regimented) exercise, prefer physical work (which I do get plenty of) But I have noticed that if I have a craving that just won't go away.. exercise (in any form) be it get outside and find some physical WORK to do or…
Are "diet" sodas really bad
Everybody keeps telling me "if you keep chugging those sodas you'll never lose weight" I don't understand, they are the ZERO calorie sodas, ZERO sugar ZERO Calories. Is there something about the carbonation that makes it bad? Sodas and Wine are my 2 absolute worst enemies.. I love them both, I have cut down on the wine and…
Is packing Hubby/kids lunch killing your diet?
I always pack my hubby's lunch, he works long hours so his "lunch" consists of a couple of sandwiches, some fruit, chips, snack pack pudding and on and on.. He likes his PBJ' with the pb and jelly mixed in a bowl then put on the sandwich. While packing his lunch I tend to eat a couple bites of fruit, if there is pbj mix…
Calling all Exercise Haters
This is an Idea I got from another discussion I was In: I hate exercise, my mantra why on earth would you run unless someone is chasing you? How many ways can we find to burn calories without the dreaded "exercise routine".. there is a website https://www.healthstatus.com/calculate/cbc that calculates number of calories…
it it me or the website???
I am having a lot of issues with freezing and needing to restart in this website, I dont seem to have trouble with any others UNLESS, I have fitness pal pulled up as well.. Is anybody else having issues or is it maybe my pc..
Hi Everyone,
My name is lynn, I have been on here for 1 week, lost about 3 lbs. I struggle with weight loss, As a Kid, a Teen and even as a young adult I had to fight to GAIN weight, I ate anything I wanted and still was a STICK. Now in my 40's I am more like a TREE. I have terrible habits, Love wine and Sodas, Eat biggest meal right…