At this point I want to make adjustments in diet & exercise and see what results I get and how fast/slow, rather than setting a goal weight and a timeline and have everything calculated according to that. Right now on MFP I have my goal as maintaining my current weight, which means that when I add exercise, it increases my…
I have a few things I need to do: get in better shape, lose weight, and find a job. I had big plans for how I would tackle all these things in the new year. But. The first week of January I had a routine outpatient surgery that went well, except for the bad reaction I had to the anesthetic. Two months later, my energy…
I've just plugged in the foods I've eaten and plan to eat for today, my first food diary day! It is very instructive. My carb count is a little on the high side but as it's mostly fruit and veggies I'm going to let it slide. BUT, looking over my problem spots for sugars, I see that even one cup of juice and one cup of milk…
Hello all! 48 year old woman here. Single, no kids. The "Ivan" from ivanhogsmybed is my big orange Siberian cat. I couldn't think of a username and then he jumped on the bed, so. I had laparoscopic surgery last week for ovarian cysts and the anesthetic really affected me, so at the moment I'm not doing much but lying…