I'm looking for an excel spread sheet that will generate an amortization chart. It needs to take in to account weight lost per day. Most calorie calculators wont' do this. Example: If I start my diet with a 1000 calorie per day deficit, my weight loss in the beginning will be dramatic. But near the end of the diet when I'm…
I'm 36 years old, male, 330 pounds (roughly). I have used BMI calculators.. or maybe it was a resting metabolic rate calculator.. can't remember which.. to figure out how many calories I needed to consume daily in order to maintain my weight. Then I figured if I eat less calories than what is required just to maintain my…
So I found several entries on here for "grilled chicken breast". Is it safe to assume that since it is titled "grilled", I can safely weigh the chicken breast after it has been grilled and still get an accurate calorie count?