Child, anxiety, school - help please x
Hi all! I really need advice about my 8 year old son Ben, please. His story quickly: He was 2 weeks old and developed whooping cough. We nearly lost him because of that. He spent 3 weeks in High Dependency Unit in hospital. When he was 10 months old he developed febrile seizures. The amount of times we've spent in and out…
Carbs and water retention
Morning all :wink: Can someone please send me in a right direction to educate myself with carbs and water retention? I've read somewhere that carbs are like a sponge - just hold on to water. I was on LCHF for a couple of weeks and lost about 7lbs which made me happy :smiley: Then a couple of nights ago I went out to…
Keto flu - do I have it?
Hi all :smiley: I'm asking because today is day 5 and I feel bad. The first 2 days I was under 40g of carbs and last 2 under 20g. Last night I felt physically sick in the toilet. I just felt really yukky thinking about all the fat I was eating. I cannot stomach any more coffee with double cream and I was seriously craving…
Any Low Carbers from United Kingdom around?? :D
Morning! I have few friends and I belong to LC group but but I'm looking for like minded low carb friends from UK. I just want to compare foods and meal ideas. I logg every day and my diary is always open :-) Hope everyone is well and looking forward to going on this journey with you :blush: Good luck everyone! x