Was in an interesting predicament tonight where due to a sore throat I wanted a hot drink but wasn't sure what I could have. It's too late for coffee, and I don't have the calories for hot chocolate. A friend suggested making some sugar free squash with hot water which is a suitable low calorie option and helps with a sore…
I had corn on the cob tonight for dinner but had a small dilemma on how exactly to weigh it. I know the basic rule of thumb is to only weigh the parts of food that you eat i.e. peel your bananas, crack your eggs etc. but the part of corn you don't eat is in the centre which is a bit more difficult to isolate. I decided to…
Hello everyone, I'm Dru. I'm here to lose a relatively small amount of weight slowly. I've been on here before but I stopped using it about a year and a half ago and gained back what I lost. I'd like to make some new friends so shoot me a message.