Hey anyone for the uk on here? Add me. Im looking to share diarys to get meal and snack ideas x
So i havent posted much in these forums i mainly read everyone elses success stories but iv gone past my origional goal now and am on target to start maintaing. I started in jan this year 04/01/2016. I was 14.11 (198lbs) i ate rubbish food, way too many calories, massive portions, and too much junk snaks. I did very little…
Hi. I have been using the scales at my local boots once a week since i started my weightloss. I have seen people say they are not accurate? If i use the same ones every week at simular times of day will this not make them accurate? I have lost 2stone 10lbs. I really dont wsnt to think il get on some other scales and have…
Hi. I started on jan 4th. At 14stone.11lbs and 5foot,6" i wasnt happy i have been at 15stone ish for around 6 years due to just lazyness i have always had an active job on a bar but i have always eaten unhealthy and snacked alot. So in jan i decided i needed to do somthing. I started logging my calories on fitness pal and…