Anyone else doing this? Advice? Personal experience? I lost 15 lbs in about a month doing this diet. I went off of it for the holidays and ate like a piggy. So, I went back to the keto diet right after eating a ton of the next day. Its been a week and I still have the headache. Plus, my tummy freaked out…
So, Keto worked great for me in the past but for some reason I am having too many problems with it this time. I am fairly sure if I exersize and build muscle I can successfully lose fat with just lower carb but not Keto...(although I know this means I will probably be starving and have to eat small meals every 2-3 hours.)…
Did anybody else gain weight back after adding more salt to their diet? 3 whole pounds!
I just noticed Truvia has 3 grams of carbs per pack but zero calories. Does this mean that the carbs are fiber carbs?...because I am thinking if they are carbs that affect glucose than there should be calories. Ugh!...I have been having 3 of these a day at least.
First week on keto diet. So, I had diarrhea and headaches. I took fiber and chia seeds and this got rid of the runs. I still had headaches every time I ate. I did a teaspoon of pink salt and it didn't help my headache. I did another teaspoon and my headache went away...but then the diarrhea came back...with a vengeance!…
Even with a green drink, a bannana and a multi vitamin every day; I never even come close to the potassium requirement. Any tricks to this? Favourite supplement or high potasssium food?