I love hot sauce, spices, acidic fruits etc... So what are some tips to deal with acid reflux/ gerd? I have started to eat a lot healthier but a lot of times I add hot sauce for a kick to meals. Is that generally ok. ?
I usually get on average about 6 hrs of sleep a day go to bed at 1230 up at 630 usually. Would it be more beneficial to get 7 hrs or even 8? Or is that additional hr or two insignificant? I workout everyday at least cardio.
Ok so I gained about 25 lbs and weight 225lbs since I got my first condo due to laziness, fast food, and not having a functional kitchen... So it's been just over 3 weeks since I've really starting to get my health on track. I have worked out every day and burned at least 600 calories each time (I use the polar h7 hr…