When was your "Aha!" moment?
Have you successfully reached (or are close to reaching) your weight loss goals? If so, did you have an "Aha!" moment that finally kicked off your successful journey to weight loss? i.e.: that moment when you finally resolved to change your behavior to reach your goals. Was it a gradual process or was it instant change?…
A Typical Day of Eating
What does a typical day of eating look like for you? How has eating this way helped you be successful? Have you lost weight? If so, how much and in what span of time? If you have pics to share, that would be even better. Posting macros helps, but I'm really looking more for specific meal ideas (i.e.: Lunch: 4 oz deli meat…
A Fat, Ugly Bride-to-be
I'm officially engaged. At 35 years old...it's about freakin' time. I'm happy to be engaged to a wonderful man, BUT, I'm dreading the wedding process. Why? Because I'm old, fat and ugly. I'm not looking forward to taking engagement/wedding photos. I'm not looking forward to buying a size 14 wedding dress (I'm 5'10")--so I…
Marriage Proposal and Being Fat
Do you feels it's important to look and feel your best when your significant other proposes marriage to you?
Food Scale: Useful Tips and Tricks???
Hi All! I'm officially on food scale bandwagon and wanted to know what tips/tricks I can use to make the process less daunting. Some suggestions I've seen posted so far are: - Use the recipe builder (I'm still kind of confused on this one--can anyone elaborate) - Try to weigh in grams for better accuracy - Weigh rice when…