Normally my Dove 48 hour deodorant is enough for the day...not since keto. I cannot manage this stench for the life of me. Please tell me I'm not going to smell like an armpit for the rest of my life...Nobody wants to be fat, sweaty and smelly. It's not cute.
So I ate all of the carbs on Saturday with zero craps given. Pasta, soda, alcohol (the irony with my profile pic, I know). I was expecting the next day and today to be extra hungry and filled with carb cravings. But that wasn't the case! I had a moderate sized meal of bacon and eggs yesterday for lunch and am 21 hours…
My greatest strength is also my greatest downfall. I'm a perfectionist. It seems like everything I do is "feast or famine", "all or nothing". How have others been able to overcome this hurdle?