Most people are embarrassed to go to the gym because of their size but for me it's because I do not know how the hell to work out all the equipment. I don't know whether I should just spend my entire time at the gym on a treadmill or mix it up with weights but then I don't know how much weights I should lift (I'm very…
I'm feeling like absolute rubbish. I've been off plan for about 2 weeks, on and off within the days. Snacking on absolute rubbish and everything I see in sight. I want this weight gone and yet I do everything I possibly can to ruin all the progress I have made so far. My determination has been kick started by catching a…
I'm very eager to lose weight. I haven't been particularly happy with my weight since 2012 after birthing my first child. Completely understandable that your body will not go back to it's pre birth shape and look however, I've gained stones! Not just one or two either, I've tried everything even slimming world (which…
Hello, I have battled with my weight since I had my eldest daughter in 2012. I've done many diets but I lose motivation very quickly. I'd like to have some great friends whom we could share our journey to a healthier lifestyle and motivate one another at the same time. Together we can succeed!