Calorie Dense Food Suggestions
As of today I weigh 112.86 pounds, this is the heaviest I've ever been aside from when I was pregnant. I'm so excited to finally be putting on weight, this just means that I'm even closer to my 130 pound goal! Anyone have any tips to help me get there even faster? Like, food tips? I use Apetamin to help boost my appetite,…
Back to My Journey!
Haven't been on here in so long. I've been going through a lot regarding my health, but things are finally getting better and my doctor cleared me to start my weight gain journey again. In the end of March of this year, I had bottomed out back to 94 pounds. As of today, I am 105. My goal is still 130 pounds hopefully by…
Rough Time
So the last month or so has been so rough for me. I have been in and out of the hospital with so many issues. It has been rough on me emotionally as well as physically and it has really been hard on my weight gain journey. My start weight around April 20th was 93 pounds. I began using Apetamin and it really helped me so…
Calorie dense foods?
What are some of the most calorie dense foods to eat that aren't too expensive and are healthy? I am trying to gain about 25 pounds by the beginning of July. I have a decent appetite when I do eat but I have a super fast metabolism. I have been eating a lot and gaining some weight but since I haven't been working out…
Going Well so far
I'm found pretty good with my calorie intake so far. This app says I need to eat 1,900 calories a day to gain a pound a week but I want to gain much more than that. Tuesday I ate 2,600 calories on my own just my regular appetite but I struggled to eat that much. My goal was to eat at least 2,500 a day. Yesterday was my…
Weight Gain Journey
Hey everyone. I'm on here because, like many of you, I want to gain weight. I am 21 years old and 5'4 but I only weigh 94 pounds. I've never weighed more than 98 pounds besides when I was pregnant and I only got up to 117 pounds. I have tried many things in the past to gain weight but no success. Well last night I was up…