So recently taken up spinning again according to my fitbit I'm only burning 350calories but my first burns 400+ does this sound right as I work my *kitten* off in the.class.
White bread
So I work out pretty good eat pretty clean but white bread I can't seem to let it go. I don't eat it often 2x a week but will this really stop me from losing weight and toning?
First time swimming since ankle brake.
So I went swimming today for the first time since breaking my ankle and oh my did it hurt! I managed 60 minutes :) hoping to go again tomorrow.
I'm such looser!
I've been doing good all week with my eating and I've had a chinese and now I feel like crying! Why can't I just stay strong!
So gym isn't a option for me at the moment, I broke my ankle beginning of this year pretty badly so been advice to stay away from certain exercises. So swimming? I've got my costume and I'm ready for this but will it tone me up? Im planning on going at least 3 to 4x per week and then what little exercises I can at home.
Hey :)
Hey. Downloaded this app last year but didn't really use it, I've decided to take control and get my old self back. Thing is I suck big time ar dieting or eating healthy I'm just so tempted all the time, So decided to give this place another go and hopefully get some motivation tips ect. I plan on going swimming to tone up…