I'm currently on a gym timeout, doctors orders. The muscles in my arms can't take anymore. Now I'm on day 3 and I swear I'm about to kill someone. I'm so frustrated and pissed that I try to avoid people at all cost. I feel like I need to move and lift and that if I don't I'll explode. So how do I deal with it for 2 more…
When do you girls now it's time to stop? I'm 5'2 and right now I just hit 127 lbs. I'm very active and my lean BMI is 20.. I feel like I should weigh a lot less cause of how tiny I am. I haven't been able to check in for a body fat measurements but last night my PTI asked me to up my calorie intake cause he thinks I'm…
Hi guys. I'm very new at this and I need a bit of a help. I wanna cut down my body fat to 18% but right now I'm at 24.3% But I also wanna gain muscles. After some google researching it's obvious that people do not agree on if you can both cut down in fat and gain muscles or if you have to do one at a time. I wanna do my…
Hi guys. I'm finally at the weight I always wanted to be after months of work outs and clean eating. Turns out I really love going to the gym and I like the food I eat now much more. So I got a new goal, I wanna cut down more fat and compete in a bikini competition. 3 weeks ago I was at 25.5% body fat which is in the lower…
I'm struggling with the last few kilos. At first this was no problem.. The kilos went away and I didn't even think about it. 24 kg seemed to just magically disappear but now I'm stuck. Since Christmas I've only lost about 4 kilos but I still have 5 to go. I'm at 25.5% body fat and I'd like to get down to 18-20% but so far…
Hi guys I'm new and kinda lost in here. I'm in bad need of some positive friends to help me stay focused but so far I've lost 24 kg's on my own and I'm down to 25,5% fat. I plan to be 55 kg before this fall (5 kilos to go). The last few kilos have been so hard to loose and I feel like I should just give up :( I'm really…