I'm a dancer so during the week I'm busy dancing and find it easy to avoid unhealthy foods and stick to my food plan but on weekends when I'm less busy I find it really hard not to over eat and eat a bunch of fatty foods or desserts. Any ideas on how to stay in control?
I'm a dancer so my legs are pretty strong and they need to stay that way but I still feel like my thighs are too big and I'd like to lose some fat there with out losing muscle. Any suggestions on how? Also any tips on how to keep my leg muscles from getting too bulky? Thanks!
Lately I've cut my calorie consumption way down and I know from past experience that if you eat less than 1000 calories a day you won't get enough nutrients but if I take vitamins and make sure that the food I eat has lots of nutrition will I be able to prevent the side affects of under eating?