Northern VA 703 here. Here to help motivate and keep motivating others. I was at 330lbs at my heaviest and now down to 225lbs and getting toned. Did it through strength training and diet. If your looking for some friends to help you with your journey post here! Can't wait to help!
I just started to use myfitnesspal again. I was using another app for my macro's. I upgraded to premium for the macro recording and promise to log every day. I will be more active in the community as well. So add me if you want some support in your journey cause I can sure motivate people! Here it goes. About 6 years ago I…
Little over 6 years ago I was diagnosed diabetic. The dr said I was probably diabetic for a long time. I told the dr at that time I would beat the disease. Fast forward to now. I now control it with exercise and diet. I want to help others. Left 340ish lbs. Right I am at 239 and getting leaner by the week. Hit me up if you…
Hi all. I started my fitness journey back in may 2016 and have never felt better. With the right diet, strength training, and cardio at 39 this has been my best year yet. I meal plan and exercise daily. I haven't logged everyday but I am trying harder to log daily. I want to help others through motivation and discipline. I…