Hi :) I have a question regarding these two milk types. I use cow's milk (whole not fat free) in my diet. I was playing around with the settings of my food diary and added 'cholesterol' as an nutrient to be tracked. The info provided by site shows '1200' cholesterol for 1 cup of whole cow's milk. I compared it with…
meant shoes...(looks like I went overboard with characters) Do you guys do your home aerobics and dance workouts barefoot or in shoes? I started Zumba recently. I find it easier to dance in rythm barefoot...shoes make it a little awkward for me to dance...I tend to do movements a little stiff. I am using light weight shoes…
Hi all I am 5' 2.5" female and weigh 164 lbs. I have been on a steady weight gain since my teens. as a kid I was skinny but since pre-teen been putting on kilos each year with exception of only couple of years. I have tried on and off to lose weight but never in a committed manner. Concrete (read conscious) step was when I…