My goal is to lose 5+ pounds by Christmas as a present to myself! Who's with me?! Let's work together to avoid the holiday sweets that suddenly start appearing everywhere this time of year. Whether at work, home, or holiday party's, temptations are everywhere! Time to keep ourselves as accountable as possible, and fit in…
Here's where we will discuss the new book upon it's release. I can't wait to see what happens in it!!!
Here we all can keep track of our weight loss, and earn house points for our House. ____________________________________________________________________ Remember... you can earn points by recording your weight loss here... as well as by participating in posts, and helping to motivate others. As Head of House I will be…
Welcome one and all. I created this group to be a fun place for HP fans who are like minded, to come and chat. Whether you are here for HP related conversation, or want to motivate each-other in your health/fitness journeys... let this be a safe place to hang out!…
Here we can recommend books that we think other Harry Potter fans may enjoy.
Hogwarts is back in session on September 1st. We have until then to get back into dueling shape! What strategies will you be using to get fit this summer?
I'm curious to know what it is about you that got you sorted into House SlytherPuff?