Weight Loss *REALLY* Isn't Linear - Some Evidence
I have produced a little graph to provide evidence to support the statement weight loss isn't linear. I weigh myself every morning, at the same time in the same condition. The line represents my daily weight. Nowhere near a linear journey. Apart from one odd day, I have always eaten less calories than I've burnt. Despite…
"I've Blown It"
I think this little cartoon represents exactly how we are prone to respond when we have an off-plan moment on our weight loss journey. We think "oh well I've blown it now" and eat ourselves out of house and home as a result. Really what we should be remembering is that one pizza isn't going to make us fat, just like one…
Why Taking Progress Photos Is SO Important
I decided to keep a photographic record of my weight loss as well as tracking my actual weight and I am so glad I did. The bottom photos are my day 1 photos and the top photos are my day 22 photos (so 3 weeks of weight loss). Despite having lost 21.8 pounds / 9.9 kilograms I still felt as big as I did on day 1. Then I…
Extremely High Lean Body Mass But ...
My current lean body mass is around 220 pounds. I weigh around 380 pounds. My current lean body mass alone is above the maximum healthy weight of 189 pounds for my height. So, if I'm able to reach my healthy weight, then obviously some of that lean body mass needs to go. Will this just happen naturally? I'm not actually…
Calories Per 100g Cooked As Per Instructions
I'm a little confused as to the information on some nutrition labels. Some say calories per 100g as sold which is easy to work out but then others say per 100g cooked as per instructions. Does that mean per 100g raw weight as long as it's cooked following their instructions or does it mean per 100g cooked weight? It's a…
It's Not Hunger It's Thirst
No it's not. It's wanting to swallow that entire box of doughnuts in one gulp. Drinking a glass of water is definitely no replacement for wolfing down a pack of Oreos :smiley:
What's Different For You This Time Around?
There's an old adage "if you always do what you've always done then you'll always get what you've always had". Over the years I've been on many weight loss journeys with varying degrees of success. Starting my current weight loss journey I spent a great deal of time reflecting on what didn't work so well for me on these…