Anyone like to be friends on the app? I have tried to diet many times but I honestly have a hard time getting myself to stick to my goals. Looking for some friends on the app to walk through this diet with. Friend me or message me!!
What is your favorite adult beverage? Mine is Jim Beam and rootbeer.
I listen to all types of music. I am looking for some recommendations for aongs to listen to dueing my work out to keep me going. Thanks!!
So I purchase the 21 day fit system weeks ago and finally tried the exercises. I have found new muscules in places where I never knew they existed. Love it. Anyone else have any work out DVDs they enjoy? Courtney
Hi All, I am trying to find something that would be good for lunch and keep me full all afternoon. I work in an office where there is constant sweets and I am having a hard time staying focused once the afternoon hunger hits. Anything eould be greatly appreciated! Courtney
Just checking in. Doing my best to stay on top of my eating and working out. New to the gym but loving it so far!