Soooo after a gain in pure lard of about 25kgs over a few years and many bottles of white wine, my journey to sobriety is beginning. So far I've cut back to weekends but Peter, Paul and Mary, if there's a bottle in my house, no drop will go unfinished. How do you 'control' your alcohol intake? What's your poison and do you…
On your feet all day, have biscuits and cakes shoved at you in the staff room/meetings? Physically and emotionally tired? have kids? Perhaps even a husband/wife in the army who leaves you for months on end? Want to share with me how you do it?? I'm at breaking point tonight!! Fed up of helping others and getting sweet f.a…
Sorry for the TMI! I've been on my fitness journey for 6 or 7 weeks now and taking JD Nutricals Double Vanilla Protein Powder for about 4 weeks. The inly other time this happened to me was when I was younger and had a bit of an eating disorder (mainly I just didn't eat!) I wonder if anyone else has this issue? Is it the…