Was curious to know how your significant other is supporting or not supporting you. I am so incredibly lucky and I know it. My husband has never had to worry about his weight. Lucky him. Anyway, every time I go on my weight loss journey he always has my back and is very encouraging. Would love to here your thoughts.
I find that some days I have to force myself to eat. Is this normal when you go on this weight loss journey? The past 2 weeks I have been drinking nothing but water. Could that be the problem? I am drinking well over the 64oz recommended amount. Is that why I don't want to eat? Am I drinking too much? Should I force myself…
Running from a spider! Ya I got my exercise in yesterday after finding a spider in my laundry room! Those little buggers will get you moving. Also I am never doing laundry again! Lol
I am 43 and I have had 4 yes count'em 4 C-sections. All of which were vertical incisions. My question is, can you lose the belly fat after that many sections? What exercises would be best to achieve a flatter tummy. Is it too late? Damage already done?
I am totally fine during the day. After dinner which is usually around 5:30 I get bored. So I get up and walk straight to the kitchen. I'm not hungry. I know this. Need to find constructive things to do to beat the boredom. Suggestions.....
Hi My name is Rebecca. I am currently about 40lbs over weight. I tried the Nutrisystem for about 4mos. It did work however I couldn't stomach the food anymore. It just got gross. Also as many of us know fad diets just don't work. You will most likely gain it or most of it back as soon as you stop. So I have decided to just…