What's the best way to transition from lchf diet, consisting of mostly eggs, beef, pork,and cheese...to Vegan. Im dealing with food poisoning right now, and cannot even look at meat or dairy. Im on fluids right now. Pedialyte, Perrier, water. Any tips.
Anyone ever try this??? I felt funn doing only 5 reps and 3-4 sets. It even recommends not doing any other weight exercises.
Playlist must haves for cardio??? I like upbeat hip hop, rap, pop. Kind of like spinning class music. Share with me!
So I always read how the bulk of your weight loss success is your diet, and 20% is fitness. I have been vegan, vegetarian, juice fasted...name it I have done it. But the scale doesn't move unless I workout and sweat. Is my metabolism ruined from all the diet changes over the years?? Is it my age? Im 28. Is it my genetics,…
New beginnings. Autumn is here :) Can someone please look over my macros...Im trying to do a low carb until I reach my goals and then ease back into a vegetarian diet. Im a past vegan (only for about a year) and I just switched up to an Atkins kind of diet... I know!! They're like opposites...but I trust this process to…