Post pregnancy weight loss
Hey mpfers ! Slight history of my weight: I was always pretty chubby growing up, and by the time I was 14 I was over 140 lbs (I was and am about 5’5”). I went on Atkins and lost 25 lbs over one summer. After that I slowly gained and ended up at 140 again last year. I started a retail managerial job right before I found out…
Hey mfpers! Two questions. I bought this bikini top today, and I've never worn one before. Please disregard the bottoms since I didn't get them. 1) does it look "trashy"? (a friend said it did) 2) about how much weight do you guys think I should lose?
Message Me!
My roommate left, just broke up with my boyfriend, and all my friends are busy. I'm board as frick. Please message me if you have any affinity to a semi-deep conversation with a very board college student.
Some advice
Hey guys, So I would really appreciate some advice about my situation. I'm 18, about 5'4", and 122 lbs, and rather small-boned. I am far from anorexic, but I do believe that I am not my healthiest self, and I believe I could stand to loose about 10-15 lbs of fat, and gain about 5 lbs of muscle. My goal weight is 113-115.…