Starting: 180 lbs. Goal:160 lbs. 9/28: 1 hr Thrill of the Fight. 1030 kcal. 156 bpm ave, 185 bpm max. 9/29: 1hr ToftF. 1084 kcal. 156 bpm ave, 183 bpm max.
I understand that heart rate monitors estimate the calories burned based on your current weight and your pulse rate. If my weight is decreasing, does that mean I need to keep updating my weight in the app to get an accurate count of calories burned?
Hi guys. I have several questions and am trying to figure out what I need to do to meet my goal. Current weight: 180 lbs., Other info: sedentary, 42yo, Height: 5'8 Objective: 160 lbs. 1. I don't have a heart rate monitor, but I have a Samsung S6 which has a pulse meter. Is that good enough? If not, among decent ones,…