So I made up a few dishes using some Bacon I bought the other day. I measured the bacon by weight and added it all up into my recipies, and was shocked to see the calorie count come out to almost 1000 calories per serving. Few days later I realized with the bacon entry I used, it was for cooked bacon, not raw bacon... so I…
Saw this little speech while watching this show. Thought it was a pretty helpful/inspiritaional view on why we all need to treat our bodies better. It's a bit goofy at times, but the message is pretty good. Definitely helped me view dieting as more of a life change instead of just a diet.…
How does protein ingestion work exactly. I've read various reports that state if you eat too much at once, your body doesn't get the same benefits as if you spread it out throughout the day. I've also ready taking protein within 30 minutes of ending your workout has added benefits such as faster recovery time. None of this…