How do I remove quick add entries on my phone?
Hello all! I did some quick adds but i can't view them or remove them on my phone. Can someone please tell me how to remove them as I added too many. Than you in advance!
Work Lunch Suggestions when you're fussy
Hello everyone, I am not new to the dieting scene however after a year of hard work I went on holiday to America and got really slack after coming back and basically slipped back into old ways. Since then (A year ago) I've been yoyoing on and off trying to get better. The start is always the hardest! Basically the meal I…
Platueing at the worst time of year and losing motivation
Hello all! I've been on my healthy eating journey for almost three months now and have lost over 8kg! However last week I didn't lose anything and I went and visited my brother a state away this week for his 30th with family so decided to just let myself eat what I wanted. I didn't go stupid. While the rest ate whole pizza…
Soda and sweet lovers - there is hope for us yet!
Over 2 months ago I stepped on the scale to see the weight 73 flashing at me. I was officially obese for my height. Aside from losing so many friends, my new job I worked so hard at fail me, And overall just being depressed with my life I knew I had to make a change. I bought a family size cheesecake like I did so many…
Two questions (Is bread bad for you? + energy foods)
Hey guys I have two questions! The first one is about bread. I'm not the biggest fan of bread but I've been trying to avoid bread as much as possible because of the sugar content and I get enough sugar from the fruit I have every day. It's also because my dad and my friend who are body builders tell me I shouldn't have…
Scale frustration
So I just came back from my work trip which weight loss wise was depressing. I don't usually weight myself everyday, my aim was once a fortnight. But while away I got into the habit of weighing myself every two days. It started on the first day to compare scales at a gym I would go to casually nearby my hotel. It said I…
Eating well (Away from home)
Hello everyone! I'm almost five weeks into eating well and have successfully lost almost 5kg! At the same time as eating healthy, I started a new job in my third week. On my second day I was told I had to go on a buisness trip in two weeks (this week now). Aside from a few work related concerns I was also worried for my…
Eating well (Away from home)
Hello everyone! I'm almost five weeks into eating well and have successfully lost almost 5kg! At the same time as eating healthy, I started a new job in my third week. On my second day I was told I had to go on a buisness trip in two weeks (this week now). Aside from a few work related concerns I was also worried for my…
Anxiety about Christmas
I began my weight loss journey over 1 month ago and have already lost almost 5 kg in that time (I think that's about 8 pounds?). I feel really lucky to have lost weight so fast but also know it was due to my shocking diet before of sweets, chocolate and soda. I necer drank water for as long as I can remember (I am 26).…
Is 1200 enough?
I started my diet about two weeks ago and have been following the no more than '1200' a day 'rule' which has been a bit of a struggle. I'm constantly hungry sometimes even after I eat my main meal because I've been hungry for so long. I've heard this is common when first starting diets but I'm also worried because…