When I started, they kind of didn't take my needs into consideration with meal planning if they were going to have me for dinner. Now they kind of do, but it's almost worse than it was before. They've added veggies to the menu, but they cook them ALL in butter and tons of salt. Totally kills the low calorie aspect and…
You know those meal planning services that like...send you the food to your house and you can cook it for the day it's scheduled? I'm awful at planning meals, and unable to go to the store regularly for a while. Are any of those actually credible? If so, which should I look into?
I'm 20 years old, I've always been chubby, but the 100 pounds I'm trying to lose has only been on me 2 years tops. (I'm currently 250ish). How much extra skin would you assume I would have? I know age and weight and rate of losing plays factors, and there will be no way to know for sure until I lose it -- which I will, no…
Skip to the bottom to avoid the whining-brigade. I lost a ton of weight in highschool. I've always been heavy, but somehow, some way, I managed to lose about 50 pounds in highschool without trying. It was so nice, I looked great. At the time I still thought I was super fat, but looking back I'd kill to be anywhere near…