Have you found a recipe online that you want to share? If you can provide the direct URL (link) to the recipe, that is great. If you have it in a non-image format, there are programs that can help convert it to an image. You can also load PDFs to your box/dropbox/onedrive, etc locations and share that link here.…
In my class, people aren't as forthcoming with the challenges they are facing. Might be pride... who knows?? What are some of your challenges? Others can chime in and provide their ways of overcoming those challenges.
Hello there, Just wanted to thank you to you for joining the MFP Real Appeal group. I started this group because I was constantly wanting to share good things I found and to hear the good things my classmates found but the RA classroom isn't really setup for that. As of 3/6/17, we are 9 members strong now and ready to…