Okay...admittedly a sad one, but maybe also one that makes you smile in memory. But very shortly, I am off to put my 17 year old charismatic, belly-rub loving cat to sleep, about 3 months after we did the same to his younger brother at age 16. So I thought as there's a few animal lovers here, it'd be good to hear your…
.... Honest but respectful (hopefully) here: film everyone raved about that you "just didn't get?" - was "La La Land" Blah-Blah Land to you? Not quite loving Oreos when everyone else is? Were you screaming WHY when Leo finally won that overdue Oscar? Be it programme, food, clothing label, invention...whatever... What did…
I've always loved a good TV series... what's everyone's faves (be it past or present)? I've finally bought the entire boxset of The Sopranos as it regularly tops polls and I've only ever seen one episode (ages ago and gave up). So wondering if it will make my own list. Some of my past and present faves: -Six Feet Under…
Oooh I do love a good discussion on music. Have a feeling this thread may change but yeah... Favourite albums or songs people! And yeah you can have more than one.