Remembering our furry friends

dantew04 Posts: 73 Member
edited February 2017 in Chit-Chat
Okay...admittedly a sad one, but maybe also one that makes you smile in memory. But very shortly, I am off to put my 17 year old charismatic, belly-rub loving cat to sleep, about 3 months after we did the same to his younger brother at age 16. So I thought as there's a few animal lovers here, it'd be good to hear your stories of those dearly loved pets you loved and lost and maybe even pics of them in their heyday!

Rolo (his nickname) is such a feisty, dominant male who always let his vocal ways be known and would happily smack any other that tried to mess with him and loved to gobble up part of his food, then that of those around him and then return to his own. Literally had him since the day he was born as I had his Mother too (who passed at age 12). I look at him and have always kinda thought he's invincible, simply because of his manner and character and watching his birth. Now at 17 and a half he has rapidly affecting kidney failure and has developed a heart murmur and has one kidney bigger than the other. Along with an unidentified build up of blood in his mouth the other day. He's not in pain as per the vet, but he's not in a happy place and I can see it in his eyes and don't want him to have a seizure or end up suffering.

He's a fighter and a character I'll always remember. Especially as the last offspring of mt first cat, Tiger who filled a void of loneliness and brought responsibility into my life when I was 10 years old. But it did get me thinking about others stories or how animals have impacted your lives and left their own mark. Though a sad decision for any animal owner, when the time comes... you know.

So please feel free to share your stories/pics/memories (maybe you had a dog like Marley in Marley and Me? Or an absolute terror of a cat or ferret but love them you did)


  • MrStabbems
    MrStabbems Posts: 3,110 Member
    edited February 2017
    that's sad my friend I wish ya both well.

    Our cat touch wood has been fine save a few scratches. I'm not looking forward to losing him even if it's hopefully a long time away.

    It's odd, you get used to all the little things they do and when they're not there or stop doing it it feels like you lost something
  • RoxieDawn
    RoxieDawn Posts: 15,488 Member
    I am sorry to hear this as anyone who loves their furry friends will be. Its a tough thing for anyone to have to do.

    Mine was not just a furry friend she was a member of my family. Our decision while was the correct one, my heart is still broken and my story is way to painful to share openly like this.

    Best wishes to you!
  • dantew04
    dantew04 Posts: 73 Member
    Thank you both - yeah it is a strange feeling. Especially if you grow up with them. He's been there while I was a child, a terrible teen and now as a man in his twenties. And I too have watched him and my other furry family members go through stages also. You know when it's the right decision (if you're in a position to make that as I don't want assume that's everyone's story) but it never makes it easier.

    But thank you. Just about to head off shortly so a strange mix of thoughts really...
  • RoxieDawn
    RoxieDawn Posts: 15,488 Member

    OP, I love this poem.. maybe it will touch your heart as much as it did mine. <3

  • erinxo13
    erinxo13 Posts: 892 Member
    edited February 2017
    I'm so sorry to hear about losing both of your babies. It is such a difficult thing to deal with... this past June that happened with me. Dallas, my toy poodle, had been in perfect health. He had a bit of an infection for a few weeks but the vet cleared him and he went in for his yearly physical and they said he was doing fantastic and doing very well for a dog of 11...three days later he started not being able to breathe parents took him to the vet and they thought he had some food or toy fluff stuck in his throat. We tried to get him to take medications and such but you know how hard that is with was very hard. We took him to the vet again a few days later and they rushed him to the emergency vet hospital...they took more Xrays and the spot where they thought the food was had become massive...they realized that's not what it was...that it was a very aggressive form of throat cancer that could not be treated. It was so fast. The vet said less than a week earlier that he was in perfect health. My parents had taken the day off to take him to the vet. I was at work and they had been texting back and forth...they said there was no need for me to come home everything was fine/they didn't know everything...then all of a sudden they told me I needed to come home. My older sister got home before me, I texted asking if I should as my boyfriend (now fiance) over (who lives 90 mins away and works 10-12 hour days) she said yes... my heart broke. I knew something bad was happening...He was only 11...I got home and I saw my sister, my mum and my dad crying. My mum had to tell me what they were doing... I couldn't believe it. I said I would sell my car to pay for treatment, I would take time off work, I would do anything...but they told me the vet said they couldn't do anything, he was suffocating himself and he would pass away painfully and choking if we didn't do anything... I was heartbroken. I tried to take him for a walk (his favourite thing.) We took him to our vet later that day...they had already arranged it. I bawled...I just...this is still a shock for me. I got home and my boyfriend was there and he just held me. He held me all night and I cried for days. I STILL cry about it. I think of him every day... I look for him at the window where he would sit to wait for us to get home...when the doorbell rings... I wonder why he doesn't bark (getting better with this...) I look for him at night to make sure he doesn't get locked in or out of bedrooms... I say hi and bye when I come or go... Dallas had the most playful, puppy demeanor until his last few days...even when we went for that walk down the end of the hall... his playful side came back. He loved our vet. He had such a special relationship with all of us. Helped me though my teen years and to my mid twenties...

    I'm sorry to ramble on about my story, it's still difficult for me to talk about but I just wanted to say I understand... we got Dallas' ashes and they are in my parents house... my sister and I both got paw prints and we both got pendants with his ashes. We've framed photographs... our neighbours (and their pup) brought us over a plant... people with animals understand... they will feel for you. If anyone tells you "its just a dog" just ignore them. They are part of the family. They are important to us and they are healing to us. I truly miss having him around, he was a therapy dog even though he wasn't officially. He always calmed me down, he sat with me when I was sick or sad... he played with me, we went on long walks together. I find it hard to visit other dogs but I also find it comforting because I have that sense of unconditional love back, even though its not my animal. I feel Dallas all the time. I know he is watching over us. I'm sure he will open the gates and play with both of your kitties too.. sending love and thoughts your way. <3
  • 2011rocket3touring
    2011rocket3touring Posts: 1,346 Member
    Mandark: One of 3 cats, I was his person though the cat drove me crazy treating the house like his personal litter box. Yet I was still his person and always wanted to be in my man cave; me fearing his promiscuous bladder I'd keep him out.
    The last day he was alive; my wife and I were discussing taking him to the vet that following Monday (it was Saturday) as he has been very lethargic. We then saw him in our bathroom covered in his own urine. We cried. I took some warm water, some Dawn and tried to clean him up.
    My wife laid out a towel for him on our bed; but he would have none of it. I opened the door to my man cave and spent some time with him there. I left to shower and sleep but kept my door open, damn his bladder.
    The next day his lifeless body was under my desk, where he always wanted to be.
  • MrStabbems
    MrStabbems Posts: 3,110 Member
    ^that one brought the feels with it. :'(
  • KyleGrace8
    KyleGrace8 Posts: 2,205 Member
    I had a cat named Bre and he was basically just like a dog. He ate his food quick and would eat everyone else's too just like a dog. He was the runt but had the most personality. He meowed the loudest, wanted the most attention. One time I was eating one of those turkey legs you get from the fair on the living room couch and as I take a bite I hear jaws shut right beside my ear. That cat was trying to take a bite of my turkey leg at the same time I was! lol That's my favorite story of him.
  • LittleLionHeart1
    LittleLionHeart1 Posts: 3,655 Member
    edited February 2017
    RoxieDawn wrote: »

    OP, I love this poem.. maybe it will touch your heart as much as it did mine. <3

    This poem did help me before.
    This is Puffy. She was half persian and half siamese. My first love. Mom had to take her when I was in the 9th grade during the time I was at school. She was in a cat fight once, and had a injured eye, that I had to put medicine in.
    I loved her so much. <3

    And is my kitty angel Sophie. The white kitty. And my brother holding his kitty Mercedes. They are both in cat Heaven. Sophie was 17. I was there with her to comfort her, hold her and kiss her, when they gave her the shot. And then I had to go to work, and work a full day, and hold up my chin all day without crying. I couldn't wait to get home to cry.

  • msmcmillan0316
    msmcmillan0316 Posts: 41 Member
    Lost my best buddy Jordi just over a year ago. He was only 3 and had so much more life in him. Would give anything for one last game of fetch.
  • Chadxx
    Chadxx Posts: 1,199 Member
    Sorry to hear this. They really do become part of the family. The hardest for me was losing my Rottweiler. He was, without a doubt, the best animal I have ever had the privilege to be around. I wish I had pictures of him. He was truly impressive. Even for a Rottweiler, he was very large and built like a brick *kitten* house with a huge head and a 28" neck. He could pick up a basketball in his mouth. He was wary, reserved, and had a 6th sense about people. He was also extremely loyal and protective as well as one of the most intelligent, loving, and affectionate animals I have ever met. He not only watched over my kids but but the neighbors' as well. I cried like a baby when I lost him.
  • GreenGoddess22
    GreenGoddess22 Posts: 3,818 Member
    Hugs!! I lost my sweet boy on 11/11/16, he was 16.5 years old. I had him his entire life and he was my best little buddy. I miss him dearly! Here's a few pictures of him when he was healthy and happy.

  • BoosDimples
    BoosDimples Posts: 2,826 Member
    12657_174582462680092_1569157777_n.jpg?oh=b9bdb2c775d4dc1c00122a9d692fb279&oe=5947B280[img]My beloved Cass. Five years since she was PTS. I still miss her. She was twelve years old, had hypothyroidism, non medicated as she was allergic to the medication. :cry:[/img]