So I have decided that I will be thru hiking the PCT next year starting in late March. The plan is to hike a minimum of about 15 miles per day while still giving myself plenty of time to stop and take lots of pictures each day. The problem is that I am nowhere near in shape enough to accomplish this goal. I am coming here…
I hate being woken up when I'm asleep. It is bad enough being woken up from the alarm clock or a 2am phone call, the phone ringer was changed the night before to moan the word brains zombie like which I forgot about that early in the morning. It is even worse to be woken up by something unexpected like something big moving…
I have recently started my diet and I have come to the conclusion that a diet of 7-11, Jack-in-the-box, and Arby's just is not going to work. Once again I am going to attempt to learn how to cook or die trying. I have attempted to learn how to cook several times before and I got the scars to prove it. Poisoned myself more…
I am sure that everyone has a food they hate eating. Some people still eat the foods they hate while others refuse to touch it. What foods do you hate? I do not consider myself a picky eater at this time. I have tried things that sound and looked disgusting like chocolate meat and I have tried things made from weird…
Ride a bike long enough and something is bound to happen. It can be something as simple as the bike falling apart on you as you ride away from a Wal-Mart to having your bike snap in half as you ride straight into a Wal-Mart you didn't see. Both are true stories by the way. Please share some of your cycling mishap and I…
Hello everyone, Just started my attempt to lose 146lbs or grow 28 inches taller, which ever is easier. Pleasure to meet you all.