Hey Y'all, If you wondered where I went, I have been in Hospital for 10 days. I had mentioned that I was having Thyroid Issues, which were wreaking havoc on my system. Really tired and not feeling well, I also was having HORRIFIC Migraines and Nausea. THEN I started getting Chest Pains, Hubby took me to ER, I passed out in…
I have been told, to make sure I stay under calories assigned when I joined. I have never come close to my limit. My question is, do carbs matter ? Fat ? I see people eating Tacos , Pizza, Dessert ? I love Stouffer's deluxe French. Bread Pizza. I never eat both Pizza's so I'm well below my calories However, carbs are high,…
I am doing well with Food, however, I could use more Options. I have been eating Seafood, Fish, Chicken, Veggies. Unfortunately my Thyroid has gone wacko, so I am having HORRIBLE symptoms. I am trying to keep up my food, until Synthroid kicks in. I would greatly appreciate, good food ideas. Thank you, Allison
I am trying to make better food choices. I don't notice People talking about portions. I generally eat more than a frozen food portion. I am also battling a Thyroid problem. I am really struggling, trying to eat right.
Do Y'all eat frozen food ? I like Lean Cuisine and Healthy Choice. Mostly things like Sesame. Stir Fry Chicken. Obviously, not every day. If cooking is a pain that day, I will eat Frozen. Just want to know if that is OK ?
I had 4 surgeries over the years. Unfortunately, all the incisions were made in the same place. Right above the vagina, under the abs. The area is completely numb. I have done EVERYTHING and I mean EVERYTHING to get my abs flatter. However , my stomach muscles have been cut during surgery and it seems to affect getting…
I have been feeling poorly for a few months. EXTREME STRESS due to a series of events, Deaths, Breast Cancer, Transplant. I am in the Medical Business, so I know what extreme Stress can do to you. As time went on, I thought there was more going on. I asked my Doc to run a Thyroid Level test. It came back a few days ago, it…
My life has been a living NIGHTMARE since the end of August. My Doctor has been alarmed over the EXTREME Stress I have been under since my Mom's death 2 months ago and Estate wrangling. I also noticed some things starting to happen to me that concerned me. I have been in the Medical Business my entire career and I asked my…
Has Anyone Had A Gasrtric Bypass ?
I saw a picture of Star Jones recently. She did Bypass and she looks AMAZING ! I also had a personal friend who got it and she did not do well. If you have it, I would appreciate your thoughts. Thanks Allison
When I started on here, I could not walk. I was so out of breath, I had to sit down . I have been walking with Hubby, my legs still hurt and I am still really out of breath. It's been less than a month, am I being unrealistic ?
Having A Really Bad Time
My Mom died 8 weeks ago. She chose not to tell any of her Children, she was ill. We are SHOCKED !!! Now to add more stress, I was the Executor, but I was too sick to proceed. I turned it over to one brother. He is going against everything. He stole all my Mom's Jewelry, which was supposed to be divided 4 ways. I am so…
How to I Answer ?
I look at forums every day and I see an original msg, then underneath someone has replied. How is this done.
How to send private msg
I am having a hard time finding things on here. How can I send Private Message ?
How Long Did IT Take You To Know This App
I'm fairly new on here, I have lost weight. However, there are so many Groups, Challenges that I have no idea how to use. I would like to take advantage of all the things to help me reach my Goal, but do not know if I am supposed to wait to get into challenges and other things. Can someone explain ?
My Husband and I have been walking up and down the Driveway, First day, I was SO SORE, ALSO SECOND DAY. Third day, not so much ! Now I have the Flu !
HELP ! I Am Too Embarrassed to go out
3 years ago I arrived DOA at E/R in total renal failure from a prescribed antibiotic. I was thin my entire life, now I'm a WHALE. I lost my Mom 6 weeks ago and I am determined to start living again. I don't know where to start. I need to lose more than 100 lbs, I can barely walk.
UNBELIEVABLY, I really did not know I was getting fatter and fatter. Since, I never left the house or got dressed, I did not see it. 2016 WAS the year from HELL ! I almost lost my Husband, My Mother-in-Law called me 10 times a day begging me to kill her. Then she died and I had to handle EVERYTHING ALONE. I had never…
Hubby and I Walked To End Of Block
As I have mentioned before, my Triple A personality got me HURT ! I kept pushing WAY before I was ready to exercise . I took some really bad falls. Broke my elbow, wrist, fractured clavicle. Now If iI try to walk I am so TERRIFIED , my knees lock and every muscle in my body tenses up and my legs shake so badly, I can't do…
I have found some EXCELLENT Beginner's workouts. I do not have any equipment here. I saw a mat, do I need that ? Weights ? I saw some that look like bowling balls. PLEASE HELP with ideas for a beginner. THANK YOU
I was just speaking to my Brother, he informed me that he had been speaking to my Husband about how worried, he is about me. I was a Corporate Exec at the 2nd largest Medical Company in the world. I met my Husband at work, however, we hardly saw each other. My Husband received a big promotion to move to Florida, which we…