Bigger Arms - Frequency/Types of exercises
Hi all, Not sure if I am in the best sub-forum as I want to make my arms bigger (biceps, triceps, forearms) but am not looking to gain weight either. So far I have done a decent job of losing weight while doing weights 4 to 5 times a week. The weight loss to me is probably more attributed to the calories i'm consuming. I…
Compound Movement exercise questions
Hi all, I posted a thread earlier and a couple of people suggested about trying compound movement exercises. I did some research and think it looks like exactly what I am after. I only have time to work out after the kids go to bed 4 or 5 times a week. Being so used to isolation Some questions I have: 1 - Are there some…
Help me with a Workout Plan (Weights only, or mix) - Busy father of 2
Hi all, I've been reading some posts on the benefits of strength training and wanted to ask the community for some help/advice. I used to be a swimmer so had a good cardio background. However I don't have the time for it right now and prefer to work out at home. So as the title says I find myself to be quite busy most of…
Workout DVDs like T25
Hi all, I posted a couple of days ago that my main goal was to lose weight but that I wanted to maintain muscle as well (or look lean/stronger). I've been struggling to figure out what the best workout plan is for me seeing as how family (2 young daughters), and work takes quite a large chunk of my days. I often find it…
Confused about Goal Calorie Intake and Exercise
Hi all, I've been playing around with my current calories to maintain weight and then taking around 10% - 20% off of that to determine how much I should consume in a day. I mentioned in another thread that I am looking to lose fat but not muscle. Where I am a bit confused though is where exercise fits in. For instance if I…
Weight Training for Fat Loss - Best Way?
Hi all, First post...just hoping I can garner some advice from others based on the research i've been doing online. I believe right now I am about 30-40 lbs overweight from where I want to be. Most of this is due to junk food and excessive eating which I am working on right now as well. However outside of diet changes I…