Skipping Meal after 4 pm
Hi, I have been observing since 3 months that skipping meal after 4 pm is helping me to lose 200 gm per day approximately, resulting to lose 1 kg in a week without any workout, however remaining meals must also be in control. I have been trying to lose my weight currently at 77 kg, target at 73 kg any better idea?
Feelings after missing a day workout
Hi friends, First of all feel free to be friend Sharing my views, you too can This is the worst feeling after missing a day workout and nothing can recover the loss that occurred. What will be impact of it, any idea??
95-75-97, Target 75
Hi earlier I was 95 kg than reached 75, again fall to 97, targeting again to 75. need motivation
Fatty By Air
Hello everyone Facing wired problem I am not eating much, still gaining weight I think I am gaining weight by air :D :D
Started in jan 2017 with 93 kg Reduced to 75 kg with some ups and downs Finally back to 93 kg on Aug 2020 Hoping will achieve target of 75 kg again Started self workout at home since tomorrow Need motivation and support.
How is it possible
I lost 10 kg in 3 months But weighed myself on saturday morning after gym at 9.00 am and I was 76 kg again weighed on sunday evening at 10.00 pm and I am 78 kg does eating little bit more in two days can effect too much really horrible situation for me anyone else have same condition?? :( :( :(
Slow vs Fast
What is better to lose weight Run 10 kmph for 20 min Or Run 14 kmph for 10 min Share your views