Weird Food Combos
Sprouted English Muffin with one mashed banana, some spinach, and a sliced tomato put together as a sandwich... You?
RT4/HCLF/Starch Solution
Any other vegans following RT4, HCLF, or Starch Solution with some favorite recipes? I'm especially looking for a good beans recipe (black bean brownies) or something with garbanzo beans.
What do you sneak in?
When you go to the movie theater and decide to not buy any of the candy or junk food there, what do you sneak in that is healthy to keep to your plan? I like to sneak in dried figs or a banana.
Ask a vegan
Tofu is actually magic.
Bad weather and no gym membership
I ran in my house for 80 minutes because it is snowing/raining out and had a nature doc on while doing circles around the house. What do you do during bad weather? And don't say you get over it and just go outside, because as great as that is, sometimes there are those days that really really suck. So on those very sucky…
Crappy Running Stories
Admit it...you had to poop so bad that you popped a squat right on the side of the road. Tell us a story about one of your crappier runs. Mine? I was trail running and had the sudden urge to shart. Knowing I wouldn't be able to hold it in, I jumped off the path, several feet through mossy earth but spread out trees (so I…
Marathon Training
I have started my training for my second marathon in May, and basically that looks like one big 13-16 mile run per week with the rest of my workouts consisting of 4-9 miles depending on the day, as well as one rest day. The problem is, Track starts in March and I will be competeting in the 3200 m and 1600 m (oh and maybe…
Vegan Marathon Foods
I need some good, easy-to-swallow, on-the-literal-run vegan foods for my marathon training. I don't want to chew it. I don't want to unwrap it. It needs to be small and soft, preferably mushy. I have been thinking about trying my own homemade date paste I can squeeze out, or maybe applesauce. Oh, and it can't be savory. I…