Since my diagnosis, I've radically changed my diet. My very first home test read 320 and now it hovers around the 80s and 90s. The last couple of months, I've had some low blood sugar episodes where my readings are in 60s and even the 50s. It usually happens around 10 am or so. I don't want to eat sugar/candy or eat a…
has anyone upgraded to the "premium" and is it worth it?
Always looking for great music to motivate me to move. What's on your playlist?
About a year ago, I started my journey by cutting out some of the more horrible things from my diet. I stopped drinking soda/soft drinks of all kinds and sweet tea. Almost immediately, I started dropping the pounds. Since then, I've started using my gym membership more and refining my diet. As of now, I'm down over 50 lbs…