As a girl who is starting (again) to loose weight I notice that it is really hard to not cheat during pms. My pms is usually the worst a couple days before period. I have crazy mood swings and cravings. When that happens I eat everything. I hold up not cheating till the evening.. but then.. EVERYTHING.. What's your…
So I've been smoking for about a year.. my question is: do I need to first quit smoking or I can do exercise (running, cardio etc.) while still smoking? I know it's stupid since we are all here to change habbits or maintain them as for healthy living. But I am interested.. what is your experience with tabacco and healthy…
I've lost 10kg with this app. Last year. Starting again as I really need to be energized and active this spring and as I really missed that :) hope I won't give up and this time those 10 or more kilograms won't gain back within a year :) maybe you have simillar experience? Or some advice?Share! Or message me if you will :)