Question about digestive health and weight loss WARNING:GROSS TOPIC
I've been having problems losing weight. Oftentimes I end up gaining weight without eating much over the course of the day or my weight remains steady. At the same time I've been having serious issues with constipation usually not being able to have a BM over the course of a couple days. Can constipation hamper weight loss…
Small (and potentially obvious) eating tips aka timing is everything
This'll be short but I noticed something about the timing of my eating habits versus weight loss and weight gain and it's in-line with what dieticians tell you. 1. Eating Late At Night Leads To Weight Gain: You've probably heard about those people that cave-in to midnight hunger pangs and eat something then gain weight…
My scale is getting old and might not be showing appropriate weight, suggestions?
I have an old weight watchers scale that's a few years old (and has already had the batteries changed), thing is it's now posting inaccurately whenever I weigh myself on it. (the doctor's office weighed me at 310.8 pounds, the scale over here has me at one pound lighter.) So any suggestions for digital (and durable) scales…
My basic observations as i'm calorie counting
1) It's really easy to buy sweets that you don't mean to when you're stressed out or mad. Have you ever heard that expression 'never go to bed mad'? The expression goes double if you're going to get a small snack or meal and are stressed out or ticked off. I had just come from a baskin robins/dunkin donuts two in one.…
My name is Nathan, I live in Warren Michigan. I was referred here by a friend and because my doctor was fairly alarmed at how high my blood pressure was. I'm trying to lose weight to lower it since I don't smoke or drink alcohol. I think one of my main issues as far as I can see it is portion control. I tend to eat things…