My basic observations as i'm calorie counting

nkylerich Posts: 11 Member
1) It's really easy to buy sweets that you don't mean to when you're stressed out or mad.
Have you ever heard that expression 'never go to bed mad'? The expression goes double if you're going to get a small snack or meal and are stressed out or ticked off.
I had just come from a baskin robins/dunkin donuts two in one. After looking at the calorie count and patting myself on the back for finding a low-cal option (they had fat-free vanilla) I found myself also buying a half-dozen donuts.
Even though I walked there, was careful in my selection of ice cream and was also walking throughout the day I was still a little over 200 calories above my daily goal!
Why did I do this? Earlier in the day I had just received a letter from DHS saying they hadn't received a letter I had signed and mailed in a month ago, then a baskin robins/dunkin donuts I went to earlier hadn't taken down a sign advertising a specific item they didn't have anymore and were also all out of waffle cones since they didn't make them at that time further ticking me off.
I was so relieved and happy that the one that I went to later in the day near my house had what I was looking for that I bought the donuts simply out of gratitude.
Of course I might not have had I already gotten the waffle cone earlier or hadn't been stressed out over the DHS letter. This was a classic case of stress eating.

2)Healthy Foods Typically (but not always) Cost More
I'm going to be honest, I am thrifty to the point where I won't spend money on something if a cheaper alternative is available.
I HATE spending more than $5 eating out somewhere unless it's fancy or i'm splurging but typically I prefer to eat at super cheap places like Taco Bell.
I don't mind eating at Arby's which costs a little more and is a touch healthier (especially their regular roast beefs which are super low in calories for fast food) but I balk at it unless I have a coupon (which they thankfully give out frequently).
As for anything else I ALWAYS seem to check the price tags above everything else and if the price strikes me as too high forget it!
This is a massive problem especially when trying to buy organic. Organic foods have their prices doubled or in some cases tripled just because they're organic and some foods don't HAVE to be eaten organic to receive all the health benefits.
This makes buying certain foods a minefield of 'should I spend the extra cash or am I spending extra money for no reason?'
It makes buying even basic fruit and vegetables a chore and finding low-cost alternatives next to impossible.

3) Early Bird or Night Owl?
One thing I dislike about myself is that it's next to impossible for me to go to bed at a reasonable hour.
Midnight is considered 'early' for me with 3 and 4am considered my 'normal sleeping time'.
I've tried going to bed at earlier hours only to be woken up by my bladder a few hours later.
The issue with this is if I haven't absolutely stuffed myself earlier in the day my sugar will crash or i'll get extremely hungry during the nighttime hours.
This obviously leads to late-night snacking which is the surefire way to torpedo even the best laid diet plans.
This also means waking up at the usual 9am is very difficult for me even though it IS the typical time that most of my doctors make appointments (roughly around 10am in fact).
I'm ok at waking up at 11am to noon but I'll probably be hungry again after breakfast at 2:30p.m.
Combine this with my late-night snacking and you have a recipe for disaster.

4)The 'Thin is In' Phenomenon
I live with a stepmom who's a devout Weight Watchers member with a Dad and stepbrother obsessed with physical fitness and who both look the part.
Being the (seemingly) only nerd and fatty in the family I get put under pressure especially with my Dad to lose weight.
Considering all the media which constantly spout off the horrors of obesity and being overweight without telling you what to do if you can't afford or don't have the skills to use the methods they show and it pretty much gives me a crippling inferiority complex not to mention a seething jealousy of people with high metabolisms who can binge on junk-food and not gain weight because their body compensates for it.
Of course the flip-side to this is they absolutely lavish me with praise if I lose weight and think I feel better when I do so when just keeping the weight off is giving me high stress and anxiety to the point that I would wish to never diet.
Sadly with media in all forms thin is considered beautiful, average to be well average, and being overweight to be grotesque and to be ashamed of.
Heck it's to the point where people with almost no fat at all to the point of being poster childs for starvation are considered beautiful which to me is pointing to a serious psychological problem where fat people are made fun of or held up like people at a freak show, average people are ignored for the most part, and the thin people are the beautiful elite that everyone should look up to.
Honestly it should be that being super thin means you have a serious eating or metabolism disorder, fat should be looked at but not to the point of bullying or pitying, and it's the average weight people who should be held up as the beautiful elite.
Whose 'goldilocks zone' weight means they aren't munching on celery sticks but also aren't scarfing down pizza and hot dogs. They're enjoying life without having to hold a microscope up to it and who don't need to worry about being a quote on quote 'healthy weight'.

Anyone want to add anything onto here?
