
My name is Nathan, I live in Warren Michigan. I was referred here by a friend and because my doctor was fairly alarmed at how high my blood pressure was.
I'm trying to lose weight to lower it since I don't smoke or drink alcohol.
I think one of my main issues as far as I can see it is portion control. I tend to eat things in very large quantities and even though the stuff I eat isn't cookies and potato chips I highly doubt those Nutri-Grain bars are healthy if you're eating 5 per day within 30 minutes. I've graduated community college and taken a health course as per the requirements but even though I got an A on the course it wasn't like I followed those instructions in my everyday life.
With this I hope to drop below the 300lb mark. (I was 320 when I was at the doctor's office and 314.1 when I weighed myself 5 days later) anyways sorry for the massive drop of text and it's nice to be here.


  • size102b
    size102b Posts: 1,370 Member
    Hi as I know after out 29/47 of my years I've yoyoed it doesn't matter what we learn or know how to why we should lose weight if we are not doing it and sticking to it then it's our head we have to work with .....
    Have you have any counselling ?

    I know I fall off plan when life's not nice and believe me I've had harsh things happen I just need to stop running to good to medicate myself as that's made me fat and miserable that cycle isn't good

    You can do this you know you can maybe work with your head as well as your food to see why you eat big portions :)